Showing posts with label javascript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label javascript. Show all posts

AEM: Show/Hide Dialog Tab based on selection(checkbox, radio, select)

 Hello, Let's see how to Show/Hide coral3 Touch UI Dialog Tab based on a selection(checkbox, radio, select).

Let's get started

To achieve this we need to create a custom client library. I suggest not to use OOTB categories. To know how to create custom client library and configure it in dialog check out below link. Ignore if you already know.

See how to Create custom Touch Dialog UI edit client libraries

Now we know how to create the custom client library and we created, configured in our dialog.

Here I have a Demo Component and in the dialog I have 3 fields and Two Tabs as show in below image.


I have added id to each of the tab as shown in below image to identify/get the tab in JavaScript.


Show/Hide Tab on Checkbox selection

Here we have 2 text fields and a checkbox. Let us see to to show/hide the Tab Two based on checkbox(Hide Tab Two) selection.

Below is the node and properties for checkbox.


Note:  It is recommended to set value, uncheckedValue properties. Check below documentation for checkbox.

We have listener.js file in our custom client library that we created, let us open that.


Let's add a self executable function, inside that add dialog ready event.

(function ($, document, ns) {

    $(document).on("dialog-ready", function() {


})(Granite.$, document,;

 The dialog ready event listener(or call back) will be fired once dialog is ready.

Now let's write a change event listener for checkbox in side dialog ready.

(function ($, document, ns) {
    $(document).on("dialog-ready", function() {
const showHideTab = function(e) {
            const tabTwo = $(".coral3-Tab[aria-controls='"+$("#tab-two").closest(".coral3-Panel").attr("id")+"']");
            if($("[name='./hide-tab']:checked").val() == "hide") {
            } else {
$(document).on("change", "[name='./hide-tab']", showHideTab);
})(Granite.$, document,;

Note: The highlighted name should be updated

Now Save the changes and hard reload the page and open the dialog.

Check and un-check the checkbox and you can see the Tab Two is hiding and showing upon selection.


Show/Hide Tab on Radio button selection

Here I have two text fields, radio group and two tabs. Let's see how to hide/show Tab based on radio selection.

Below is the node and properties of radio group.


Now update the listener.js.


(function ($, document, ns) {
    $(document).on("dialog-ready", function() {
const showHideTab = function(e) {
            const tabTwo = $(".coral3-Tab[aria-controls='"+$("#tab-two").closest(".coral3-Panel").attr("id")+"']");
            if($("[name='./hide-tabtwo']:checked").val() == "hide") {
            } else {
$(document).on("change", "[name='./hide-tabtwo']", showHideTab);
})(Granite.$, document,;

Note: The highlighted name should be updated. 

Now Save the changes and hard reload the page and open the dialog.

Change the radio options and you can see the Tab Two is hiding and showing upon selection.


Show/Hide Tab on Dropdown(select) selection

Here I have two text fields, dropdown and two tabs. Let's see how to hide/show Tab based on dropdown selection.


Below is the node and properties of dropdown.


Now update the listener.js.


(function ($, document, ns) {
    $(document).on("dialog-ready", function() {

        const showHideTab = function () {
            const tabTwo = $(".coral3-Tab[aria-controls='"+$("#tab-two").closest(".coral3-Panel").attr("id")+"']");
            if ($(".cq-dialog").find("#hidetab")[0].selectedItem.value === "hide") {
            } else {;

       $(".cq-dialog").find("#hidetab").on("change", showHideTab);
})(Granite.$, document,;

Note: The highlighted name should be updated. 

Now Save the changes and hard reload the page and open the dialog.

Change the dropdown options and you can see the Tab Two is hiding and showing upon selection.


Hurrah.... We have successfully achieved  the hide and show functionality based on selection of checkbox, radio and select options.

Hope you liked the post and it helped you. Meet you in next post. Thank you very much for your time.


AEM: Create custom Touch Dialog UI edit client libraries

Hello, Let us see how to create a client library for Touch UI Dialog listeners.

It is always recommended to use custom clientlib category instead of using OOTB  categories.

Why we need to create a custom clientlib?

If we use the OOTB categories there are chances of embedding our listener code in to the framework JavaScript and it will be included in all pages all the time.

If there is any Error in our code, it will break the entire framework and EDIT mode will be hanged sometimes.

So it is always better to create our custom client library and include it in our dialog. This way it will be loaded on the page only when we open the dialog at least once.

Creating Client Library

We can create a Client Library Folder in any location under apps or etc/designs. But I personally prefer creating Client Libraries which are specific to Edit mode/Dialog under component node itself.

Let's create Client Library. 

  1. Create a folder clientlibs(sling:Folder) under component node (parellel to cq:dialog)
  2. Create a folder editor(cq:clientLibraryFolder) under clientlibs and added property categories String[] <category_name> (Must be same as value configured in dialog node)
  3. Create a folder js(nt:folder) and create a file listener.js inside it
  4. Create a file js.txt parallel to js folder and add #base=js listener.js (in two different lines)
  5. Save changes

                                                                      js.txt file

Now we are done with creating the cilentlib. Let us configure it in our dialog.

There are two ways to load clientlib from dialog.

  1. Set a property extraClientlibs to cq:dialog node and add category as value
  2. Create node(nt:unstructured) and use granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/includeclientlibs

1.Using extraClientlibs

Add a property extraClientlibs (String[]) to cq:dialog node and add custom clientlib category.

2. Using granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/includeclientlibs

  • Create a node with name clientlibs under tab/items
  • Add property sling:resourceType (String) with value granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/includeclientlibs
  • Add property js (String) with custom clientlib category as value

Note: granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/includeclientlibs supports three properties js/css/categories. Here I am using only js.

Now we created our own custom clientlib and configured it in dialog. 

Open the listener.js file and start writing custom listener code with out using OOTB categories. 🙌

See how to Hide/Show Touch UI dialog fields based on checkbox selection

See how to AEM: Hide/Show Touch UI dialog fields based on radio selection

Hope you liked the post and it helped. Meet you in next post. Thank you very much for your time.


AEM: Create a dynamic dropdown(Javascript) based on value of other dropdown

Hello, Let us see how to create a dynamic dropdown options based on value of another dropdown.

Use Case: 

In some cases we might need to generate a dynamic dropdown options based on value of an another dropdown. Just like selecting a country  should change the cities list.


Create dialog fields:

I have demo component and there are two dropdowns inside that as part of authoring dialog. The first dropdown(Country) will have list of countries and the second dropdown(Cities) should have cities related to that particular country.


 The first dropdown(Countries) has static options configured as nodes to select field. (Check out my post to generate dropdown from JSON file from backend JSP)


The second dropdown(Cities) does not have configured nodes under select field but the values will be populated through JavaScript.


Now we are ready with the dialog. Lets create a JSON associated to Country field options.

Create a JSON file and upload in DAM:

I have five countries under my Country dropdown and the Name and Value for each dropdown option configured in node are as follows.


        "text": "Australia",
"value": "australia"
"text": "France",
"value": "france"
"text": "India",
"value": "india"
"text": "United Kingdom",
"value": "uk"
"text": "United States",
"value": "us"

Now lets create a cities.json file which will have City names associated to each Country option.

JSON file(cities.json)

         "text":"New Delhi",
         "text":"New York",
         "text":"San Francisco",
         "text":"Los Angeles",
         "text":"Washington, D.C.",

Each keys in JSON file should exactly match with the values of each Country option.

Now upload this JSON file in DAM.

Dialog listener (JavaScript):

Now create a node under tab/items with name clientlibs and add below properties

sling:resourceType (String) granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/includeclientlibs 

js (String) <category_name>


Now create a client library folder and write JavaScript.

I have created a folder under my component and inside that I created a client library folder.

  1. Create a folder clientlibs(sling:Folder) under component node (parellel to cq:dialog)
  2. Create a folder editor(cq:clientLibraryFolder) under clientlibs and added property categories String[] <category_name> (Must be same as value configured in dialog node)
  3. Create a folder js(nt:folder) and create a file listener.js inside it
  4. Create a file js.txt parallel to js folder and add #base=js listener.js (in two different lines)
  5. Save changes

js.txt file


Now lets start writing listener to populate the values in cities dropdown. Open listener.js and paste the below code.

Below is the listener to populate the dropdown fields. Here am using hardcoded options.

(function ($, document, ns) {
    $(document).on("dialog-ready", function() {
    // In dialog ready lets request the JSON and store it
        let citiesJSON;
            url: "/content/dam/adapttoaem/dialog/json/cities.json", //Update the path
            async: false,
            success: function (data) {
                citiesJSON = data;

        const setCitiesOptions = function () {
            let citiesField = $(".cq-dialog").find("#cities")[0];
            let countryValue = $(".cq-dialog").find("#country")[0].selectedItem.value;
            let options = citiesJSON[countryValue];
            let optionItems = citiesField.items;
            for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
                let obj = new Object();
                let cnt = new Object();
                obj["value"] = options[i].value;
                cnt["textContent"] = options[i].text;
                obj["content"] = cnt;

       $(".cq-dialog").find("#country").on("change", setCitiesOptions);
})(Granite.$, document,;

Now, Lets drop the component on page and open the dialog.


Yayy..... We see options loading in cities dropdown. Now try changing the Country options, Cities will also change accordingly.

Is that it?

Hmmm... No. 

Now let us select India from Country dropdown and then select New Delhi from cities and submit the dialog and re-open the dialog again.



Let us fix this.

There are two ways to fix this.

  1. Getting the node value from backend(datasource) and use it in Javascript.
  2. Do an AJAX call to page/component path and get the node value and set the value.

It is not a best practice to do AJAX calls (here we are already getting JSON using AJAX call). If we can do this from backend why do we need to do one more AJAX call from frontend? Let go with backend datasource approach. 

Create a datasource for cities dropdown.

  • Create a node name - datasource, type - nt:unstructured under cities dropdown field.
  • Set property sling:resourceType and give a path datasource (same path as below).
  • Create a folder under your project ( here I'm using /apps/adapttoaem/components/datasource/cities).
  • Create a jsp file with name cities.jsp(parent folder name and file name must be same) inside /apps/adapttoaem/components/datasource/cities.
  • Add the blow code.
  • Save the changes

<%@page session="false" 

<%@taglib prefix="cq" uri="" %>

ValueMap fieldProps = (ValueMap)request.getAttribute(Field.class.getName());
String[] fieldVal = fieldProps.get("value", new String[0]);
String value = "";
if (fieldVal.length > 0) {
value = fieldVal[0];

ValueMap vm = new ValueMapDecorator(new java.util.HashMap<String, Object>());
vm.put("value", value);
//ArrayList to hold data
java.util.List<Resource> resourceList = new java.util.ArrayList<Resource>();
resourceList.add(new ValueMapResource(resourceResolver, new ResourceMetadata(), "nt:unstructured", vm));
//Create a DataSource that is used to populate the drop-down control
request.setAttribute(DataSource.class.getName(), new SimpleDataSource(resourceList.iterator()));

Here in datasource jsp, we are setting the node value to dropdown field. Now we will update our listener JavaScript file and fetch the node(field) value before  injecting options.
Once options are injected, we will set the field value to dropdown field.

Now lets get back to our listener.js and finish the job.

Final listener.js code

(function ($, document, ns) {
    $(document).on("dialog-ready", function() {
    // In dialog ready lets request the JSON and store it
        let citiesJSON;
            url: "/content/dam/adapttoaem/dialog/json/cities.json", //Update the path
            async: false,
            success: function (data) {
                citiesJSON = data;

        const setCitiesOptions = function () {
            let countryValue = $(".cq-dialog").find("#country")[0].selectedItem.value;
            let citiesField = $(".cq-dialog").find("#cities")[0];
            //Getting the value set from datasource
            let citiesNodeVal = citiesField.selectedItem.value;

            let options = citiesJSON[countryValue];
            let optionItems = citiesField.items;
            for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
                let obj = new Object();
                let cnt = new Object();
                obj["value"] = options[i].value;
                cnt["textContent"] = options[i].text;
                obj["content"] = cnt;
            if (citiesNodeVal !== "") // Set the value once options are loaded 
        $(citiesField).find("coral-select-item[value='"+citiesNodeVal+"']").attr("selected", "selected");

       $(".cq-dialog").find("#country").on("change", setCitiesOptions);
})(Granite.$, document,;

Yesss.... Just Highlighted 3 lines of code. We are done.

Here in the above code, I am getting the value that we did set from datasource(First highlighted line). And once the options are injected then we are setting back the node value to the dropdown(Last two highlighted lines).

Now let's reload the page(hard refresh to make sure js is updated), open the dialog and check.



Hurrah.... Here we go, the value has been set.

Hope you liked the post and it helped. Meet you in next post. Thank you very much for your time.